Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February Meeting Wrap-Up

The Book Buddies Book Club met yesterday afternoon to discuss our February book, A Taste for Red by Lewis Harris. We had a great discussion and enjoyed some valentine treats!

Overall, most of us really enjoyed A Taste for Red and found it engaging and often surprising at times. The twist at the end involving Mr. Dumloch was especially unexpected and interesting as well as Ms. Larch's attempts to attack Svetlana throughout the story.

We found Svetlana to be stubborn and independent, a girl who fends for herself and doesn't take anything from anyone - overall a great main character. We thought her experience as a homeschooler may have made it harder for her to fit in at Sunny Hill Middle School but thought she found great friends in Dwight and Fumio.

We talked about Svetlana's quirks (changing her name, only eating red foods, sleeping under her bed, having the ability to control others with her mind) and the difference between being a vampire and an olfactive (one who can detect vampires and has heightened sense of taste and smell).

We discussed Svetlana's relationship with Ms. Larch, how it changed and how Svetlana was eventually able to destroy Ms. Larch, aka the Kensington Vampire.

We thought about whether or not we'd like to see a sequel to A Taste for Red (we would!) and what we would have happen if we were going to write it. Someone suggested having another vampire come to Sunny Hill and another member thought having Svetlana locate the rest of the Circle of Red would make a good sequel. We'll just have to wait and see if the author decides to continue Svetlana's story!

Overall, it was a great meeting punctuated by Valentine's Day treats and activities and a terrific introduction to the exciting world of vampires.

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